Montevideo Launches UN’s First Tourism Law Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean, Enhancing Regional Tourism Regulation

Montevideo Launches UN’s First Tourism Law Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean, Enhancing Regional Tourism Regulation

(IN SHORT) The United Nations Tourism Organization has inaugurated the Tourism Law Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean in Montevideo, Uruguay. This is the first thematic office of the UN Tourism dedicated to legal issues in the region. The observatory, a collaborative effort with the Inter-American Development Bank, will feature a digital platform called “TurismoLex” for compiling tourism legislation, and it will provide tools for regulatory quality and a virtual forum for stakeholders. The initiative aims to improve tourism regulations, promote regional cooperation, and support sustainable tourism development. The observatory will start operations in early 2025.

(PRESS RELEASE) Madrid, Spain, 2024-Sep-5 — /Travel PR News/ — In a landmark development for the tourism industry in Latin America and the Caribbean, the United Nations Tourism Organization has inaugurated its first thematic office dedicated to tourism law. The new Tourism Law Observatory, established in Montevideo, Uruguay, will serve as a pivotal hub for advancing legal frameworks and regulatory practices in the tourism sector across the region.

The inauguration ceremony, held at the United Nations House, was attended by prominent figures including President Luis Lacalle Pou of Uruguay, UN Resident Coordinator Pablo Ruiz, and a host of regional and international dignitaries. The event marked the beginning of a new chapter in regional cooperation and innovation in tourism legislation.

The Tourism Law Observatory is a collaborative initiative between UN Tourism and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The observatory will deploy a cutting-edge digital platform, “TurismoLex,” which will feature a comprehensive database of tourism legislation, a virtual classroom, and tools for regulatory quality assessment. This platform aims to facilitate knowledge exchange, foster best practices, and promote the development of coherent and effective legal frameworks for tourism.

Gustavo Santos, Regional Director for the Americas at UN Tourism, highlighted the significance of the observatory. “This office represents a transformative step in the way we approach tourism legislation in Latin America and the Caribbean. By providing a centralized resource for legal information and regulatory insights, we are setting the stage for more harmonized and innovative approaches to tourism policy.”

The observatory will also serve as an interactive forum for governments, policymakers, and industry stakeholders, offering a space to discuss legislative trends and regulatory challenges. It will collaborate with leading academic institutions across the region to produce technical reports and studies, further supporting the development of effective tourism laws.

Uruguay’s successful bid to host the Tourism Law Observatory underscores the country’s commitment to enhancing regional cooperation and advancing the tourism sector. The proposal received broad support from the Americas region during the recent Regional Commission meeting in Varadero and was approved by the UN Tourism Executive Council in Barcelona. The observatory is expected to commence operations in early 2025.

“The establishment of the Tourism Law Observatory in Montevideo is a testament to Uruguay’s leadership in promoting regulatory excellence and fostering regional integration,” said Eduardo Sanguinetti, Uruguay’s Minister of Tourism. “We are excited to host this innovative initiative, which will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and development of the tourism industry in our region.”

As the observatory prepares to open its doors, it is poised to become a crucial resource for advancing tourism legislation and addressing the sector’s regulatory needs, enhancing cross-border cooperation, and supporting sustainable tourism development.

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Source: UNWTO
