Srirangam in Tamil Nadu and Kappad in Kerala feature under ‘Green Destinations Top 100 List (2022)’

Mumbai, India, 2022-Oct-13 — /Travel PR News/ — The world’s largest functioning temple complex of Srirangam (Tiruchirappalli, TN) and the pristine Kappad Beach (Kozhikode, Kerala) have been officially selected as one among the hundred destinations in the world in 2022 for the ‘Top 100 Sustainability Stories Awards’. The list has been officially announced during the… Read the full press release

International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development: Green Destinations certifies Hill stations in India

Mumbai, India, 2022-Aug-22— /Travel PR News/ — Hill stations of India have become highly popular tourist attractions and this has resulted in haphazard development of these destinations. Therefore, implementation of sustainability criteria and practices by the destination management and its stakeholders is inherent for the rejuvenation of the tourism centres. Sensing the need for sustainability… Read the full press release

Green Destinations launches ‘Good Travel Program’ Certification

Mumbai, India, 2022-Apr-06 — /Travel PR News/ — ‘Green Destinations’ has developed the ‘Good Travel Program’ as a turn-key system with assessment and certification tools suitable for every location, company, tourism product or destination. It is aimed as  an effective program supporting public and private parties in leisure and tourism in the recognition and promotion… Read the full press release

In a first, twenty destinations of Tamil Nadu receive their sustainability ranking

Chennai, India, 2022-Jan-31 — /Travel PR News/ — Twenty destinations in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu have become pioneers having received their Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) index score and ranking at micro level. In what can be termed as a first of its kind destination benchmarking assessment in the country, the study was… Read the full press release