2012-09-13 — /travelprnews.com/ — All airspace restrictions relating to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games have now been lifted, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) confirmed today. The last restricted zone, shown as P114 on aviation charts, in place for the Paralympic Games, ended at midnight on Wednesday 12 September.
Praising the role of the General Aviation community in keeping infringements of the restricted zones to a bare minimum during the summer, the CAA’s Chief Executive, Andrew Haines, said: “Establishing such a large airspace security zone for that length of time was unprecedented, particularly as it covered some of the most congested airspace in the world. The fact that it was so successful, is in no small part due to the role played by the GA associations and their members.”
To raise awareness of the restrictions, a major publicity campaign was spearheaded by Airspace & Safety Initiative (ASI) over the last 18 months. As part of that campaign, ASI created a dedicated website; distributed 80,000 leaflets, including French and German versions; recorded three podcasts; developed an iBook guide; and co-hosted an all day seminar for 800 pilots in Central London. Hundreds of others were given advice at general aviation events and shows around the country. CAA staff also visited and briefed all affected aerodromes in and around the main restricted zones.
For further information please contact Jonathan Nicholson or Richard Taylor in the CAA’s Corporate Communications Department on 020 7453 6027 or at press.office@caa.co.uk
Follow the CAA on www.twitter.com/UK_CAA and ASI on www.twitter.com/airspacesafety
Notes to Editors:
1. The Airspace & Safety Initiative (ASI) is a joint CAA, NATS, AOA, GA and MoD effort to investigate and tackle the major safety risks in UK airspace.