Scottish Government shortlisted FirstGroup for the ScotRail franchise competition

Aberdeen, Scotland, 2013-11-4 — / — FirstGroup has been shortlisted for the ScotRail franchise competition by the Scottish Government. The Group currently operates the franchise which provides passenger train services throughout Scotland. The new ten year contract, with a potential break point after five years, will be awarded next year and is expected to start in April… Read the full press release

UK’s leading bus and rail operator FirstGroup picked up four awards and two commendations at National Transport Awards

London, UK, 2013-10-25 — / — FirstGroup enjoyed a successful evening at last week’s (17 Oct) National Transport Awards.  The UK’s leading bus and rail operator came out on top as the most recognised private transport operator picking up four awards and two commendations. First Glasgow’s ‘The One’ bus service won the much coveted ‘Excellence in Travel… Read the full press release