Budapest, Magyarország, 2022-Apr-18 — /Travel PR News/ — A május 12 és 14 között, egész Európában megrendezendő hackathon fő célja, hogy a résztvevők szembenézzenek az idegenforgalom legfontosabb globális kihívásaival, és fenntarthatóbbá alakítsák Európa turizmusát. Mindebben uniós űrprogram segíti a őket. A CASSINI Hackathonokat tíz európai országban rendezik meg, a csatlakozó résztvevők lehetőséget kapnak arra, hogy #EUűradatok felhasználásával… Read the full press release
Tag Archives: Sustainable Tourism
Junta-te a nós no 3º CASSINI Hackathon para veres como as tuas ideias podem ajudar a promover o turismo em Portugal
COIMBRA, Portugal, 2022-Apr-18 — /Travel PR News/ — O 3º CASSINI Hackathon, que irá decorrer entre os dias 12 e 14 de maio em 10 cidades da Europa, entre as quais Coimbra, é um evento à escala europeia que vai abordar importantes desafios globais no setor das viagens e do turismo, com o apoio do… Read the full press release
Weź udział w 3. Hackathonie CASSINI w Polsce i pomóż ponownie ożywić turystykę
KRAKÓW, POLSKA, 2022-Apr-15 — /Travel PR News/ — Podejmij wyzwanie! Weź udział w 3. Hackathonie CASSINI i pomóż ponownie ożywić turystykę! Czas (Re)Visit Europe w dobrym stylu. Zaplanowany na 12-14 maja 3. CASSINI Hackathon, to ogólnoeuropejskie wydarzenie, które z pomocą unijnego Programu Kosmicznego, zajmie się ważnymi globalnymi wyzwaniami związanymi z podróżowaniem i turystyką. Dołączając do… Read the full press release
De 3e CASSINI Hackathon in Nederland: Doe mee met de knapste koppen uit ruimtevaart en toerisme
NOORDWIJK, Nederland, 2022-Apr-15 — /Travel PR News/ — Daag jezelf uit op de 3e CASSINI Hackathon en blaas toerisme nieuw leven in. Thema: (Re)Visit Europe De 3e CASSINI Hackathon vindt plaats van 12-14 mei verspreid over 10 locaties in Europa. Als onderdeel van het EU Space Programme richt deze hackathon zich op belangrijke uitdagingen waar… Read the full press release
Coming soon: Cornell University ‘Sustainable Tourism Destination Management’ Online Course Program, in partnership with the Travel Foundation
BRISTOL, UK, 2022-Mar-28 — /Travel PR News — An online course program developed by Cornell University in partnership with the Travel Foundation will be the first-of-its-kind to equip destination professionals with new knowledge and skills urgently needed to manage tourism in the 21st Century. The comprehensive, 40-hour course is borne out of analysis from the… Read the full press release
The Rise of Sustainable Tourism in Madeira
Madeira begins sustainable certification process with EarthCheck London, UK, 2022-Feb-22 — /Travel PR News/ — A key goal for the destination of Madeira in 2022 is to enhance its sustainability credentials for tourism. ‘MADEIRA. BELONGS TO ALL. SO SUSTAINBLE’ is the slogan of the project which aims to involve the entire local community. The certification… Read the full press release
Tuk-Tuk Tales
Kenya, 2021-Dec-03 — /Travel PR News/ — With much of Africa back on the dreaded red list, there hasn’t been much to smile about this week. But in Kenya’s Kimana Sanctuary, Josh, Jasper, Ivo and Robbie AKA the Tuk South crew, have been far removed from the Omicrom drama unfolding around the globe – enjoying… Read the full press release
Tuk Tuks For Rangers
Kenya to Cape Town, 2021-Sep-22 — /Travel PR News/ — Kenya may have been removed from the UK’s red list – but Africa is bleeding without its tourists. The impact of 18 months of lockdown has been devastating. Revenue from tourism is central to the conservation of some of the planet’s most important habitats and… Read the full press release
Airbnb launches an initiative to drive local, authentic and sustainable tourism in countries and cities across the globe
San Francisco, CA, 2018-Apr-18 — /Travel PR News/ — Today (APRIL 17 2018), Airbnb launched the Office of Healthy Tourism, an initiative to drive local, authentic and sustainable tourism in countries and cities across the globe. Along with the launch of the Office, Airbnb is also releasing data that shows the benefits of healthy tourism… Read the full press release
UNWTO launches capacity building programme on sustainable tourism and biodiversity protection for West and Central Africa
UNWTO launches capacity building programme on sustainable tourism and biodiversity protection for West and Central Africa MADRID, Spain, 2017-May-24 — /Travel PR News/ — The Convention on Biological Diversity of the United Nations has chosen ‘Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism’ as the theme for the International Day for Biological Diversity, celebrated today 22 May 2017. On… Read the full press release
PATA and the International Union for Conservation of Nature partner to strengthen focus on sustainable tourism in the Asia Pacific region
The Pacific Asia Travel Association and the International Union for Conservation of Nature strengthen focus on sustainable tourism in the Asia Pacific region BANGKOK, 2015-6-25 — /Travel PR News/ — The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have launched a new partnership in the form of a memorandum of understanding (MoU), recognising the positive… Read the full press release
UN General Assembly adopted resolution recognizing the contribution of sustainable tourism to poverty eradication, community development and the protection of biodiversity
A milestone resolution recognizing the contribution of sustainable tourism to poverty eradication, community development and the protection of biodiversity has been adopted by consensus by the United Nations General Assembly. New York/Madrid, 2015-1-15 — /Travel PR News/ — Emphasizing the need to optimize the economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits stemming from sustainable tourism, particularly in… Read the full press release
UN General Assembly adopted resolution on “Sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central America”
Madrid, Spain, 2014-1-6 — / — Sustainable tourism is an ally of poverty eradication in Central America and the three dimensions of sustainable development – social, economic and environmental – as reflected in the UN resolution on “Sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central America”. The 193-member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution unanimously during its… Read the full press release
UNWTO and UNESCO to cooperate on sustainable tourism and the protection of natural and cultural heritage
UNWTO and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) forged a new cooperation agreement consolidating efforts on sustainable tourism and the protection of natural and cultural heritage (26 November 2013, New York, USA). Madrid, Spain, 2013-11-29 — / — Under the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai and UNESCO Director General, Irina Bokova, in… Read the full press release
Network of Travel Destinations to Foster Sustainable Tourism at a Global Scale
WASHINGTON, D.C., 2013-05-27 — / — Global non-profit Sustainable Travel International today announced the launch of its Sustainable Destination Leadership Network (SDLN). The SDLN is the world’s first collaboration of its kind for decision makers from tourism authorities. The network brings together forward-thinking tourism destinations committed to meaningful exchange that advances good tourism, which preserves sense of… Read the full press release
Sustainable tourism cooperation between Global Sustainable Tourism Council and Pacific Asia Travel Association
Bangkok, Thailand, 2013-04-29 — / — The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is pleased to announce a partnership as undersigned in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), a not-for-profit trade membership association headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand. PATA Chief Executive Officer Martin Craigs and GSTC Board Member Guy Chester signed the… Read the full press release
&Beyond to share its pioneering conservation model at the Bhopal International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2013
2013-04-18 — / — A leader in responsible tourism and conservation, luxury experiential travel company &Beyond has been invited to share its pioneering conservation model at the Bhopal International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2013 (BICST). On April 18, &Beyond Group Conservation Manager Les Carlisle will be speaking on the company’s expertise in tourism that benefits both conservation and local communities…. Read the full press release