Shannon, Ireland, 2014-2-12 — / — Shannon Airport Authority (SAA) is seeking a joint venture partner to manage its travel retail business under a ten-year contract. The company is issuing the opportunity today via The Moodie Report, with a formal advertisement to appear online and in this week’s edition of The Moodie Report e-Zine (out on Thursday). Click here for full details
As reported, since 1 January 2013 Shannon Airport (the birthplace of duty free) is operating as a fully independent and autonomous airport following its separation from the Dublin Airport Authority. The company noted: “SAA now wants to enter into a joint venture relationship with a quality international travel retail group for the management of the SAA Travel Retail store, at Shannon Airport. It is envisaged that the JV would be a separate legal entity.
“SAA’s ambition, working with its new JV partner, is to use the JV’s skills and resources to bid for travel retail opportunities in other international airports and potentially provide consultancy services to developing airports.”