New online interactive tool to access both the performance data and targets of the Single European Sky

2013-02-07 — / — The Performance Review Body of the EU Single European Sky (SES) has produced an online interactive Performance Dashboard under the provisions of its contract with the European Commission.

This e-Dashboard shows actual and targeted performance at EU-wide, Functional Airspace Block/national and airport levels.

The e-Dashboard contains graphics, clickable maps, a download area, methodological notes (meta-data) and a glossary. It provides harmonised ANS performance data for all stakeholders.

It has been developed in close co-operation with the National Supervisory Authorities and will assist them in preparing their Annual Performance Reports. It represents yet another excellent example of EUROCONTROL’s commitment to support the SES implementation and can easily be extended to all EUROCONTROL Member States.

The e-Dashboard is available here. It will be updated at regular intervals.

EUROCONTROL will be exhibiting at the World ATM Congress. Come and discover the e-Dashboard on EUROCONTROL’s stand, number 947.

For more information on the role of the Performance Review Body and the work to improve the overall understanding of Air Navigation Services and airports performance and to promote pan-European performance enhancements, please refer to our dedicated web.

For further information, please contact:
Kyla Evans/Catherine De Smedt, Tel: +32 2 729 50 95

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At a time when airlines have to undertake major efforts to reduce their operations costs, EU has introduced a Performance Scheme for air navigation services and network functions in its Single European Sky programme (Commission Regulation (EU) No 691/2010). In this context the European Commission formally designated EUROCONTROL as the Performance Review Body (PRB) of the SES, acting through its Performance Review Commission (PRC) and supported by the Performance Review Unit (PRU). At present, this designation is valid until 30 June 2015. EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, has as its primary objective to develop a seamless, pan-European air traffic management (ATM) system that fully copes with the growth in air traffic, while maintaining a high level of safety, reducing costs and respecting the environment. EUROCONTROL has 39 Member States: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. On 5 December 2012, the 40th Member State, Georgia, signed the Protocol of Accession to the Intergovernmental Organisation, EUROCONTROL.


PRB Online Performance Dashboard

PRB Online Performance Dashboard