Amstelveen, Netherlands, 2020-Jun-24 — /Travel PR News/ — KLM is gradually and carefully restarting its network. In July, KLM operates 5,000 European flights. The forecast for August is 11,000. Intercontinental numbers are around 1,900 in July and 2,100 in August. At the moment, about half of the intercontinental flights are cargo-only. KLM hopes that – if worldwide travel restrictions are relaxed – an increasing number of intercontinental flights will be allowed to carry passengers again from July onwards.
The number of flights shows considerable growth compared to April, when KLM’s flight operations came to a virtual standstill as a result of the corona crisis. KLM operated 1,116 flights within Europe and 612 intercontinental flights in April.
The recovery has therefore started cautiously, but the level of 2019 is far from being approached. In the months of July and August last year, KLM operated a total of some 22,000 flights. Moreover, the occupancy rate lags behind the record year of 2019.
Number of destinations: as much choice as possible for the customer
The number of destinations shows a slightly different picture. KLM has opted to restart as many destinations as possible first in order to offer customers a wide choice and then to increase frequencies and capacity.
This means that in July around 80 percent of the normal number of European destinations and around 75 percent of intercontinental destinations will be offered. In August this will be around 95 percent and 80 percent respectively.
It should be noted that, here too, about half of intercontinental flights currently only carry cargo and therefore no passengers. When international travel restrictions are relaxed, KLM will of course start carrying passengers to these destinations again.
Source: KLM