2012-10-11 — /travelprnews.com/ — The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has updated the Code of Conduct for its staff, including an overarching policy on the Prevention and Mitigation of Conflict of Interest. A similar policy is also being adopted by the Members of EASA’s Management Board.
The objective of the Code of Conduct is to maintain and further guarantee the high level of independence and impartiality of EASA opinions and decisions. As part of the Agency quality management system, EASA policies and procedures are assessed and audited on a yearly basis.
Based on the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour adopted by the European Parliament and the Ombudsman, and adapted to the Agency’s needs, the policy includes:
- The requirement for each manager and staff member holding a position classified as sensitive to complete an annual declaration of interest. This annual declaration has already been signed by the members of the EASA Executive Committee and published on the Agency’s website.
- The creation of an Ethical Committee to define assessment criteria, provide support in reviewing the declarations of interest, and to deal with other matters related to the Code of Conduct when required.
- The improvement of rules related to gifts, hospitality and invitations applicable to all staff members.
- The establishment of a mandatory training for all staff members on the Prevention and Mitigation of Conflict of Interest.
Commenting on the new policy, Patrick Goudou, EASA Executive Director said: “No compromise can be made with safety. EASA will continue to work closely with its institutional partners and constantly review its policies in order to ensure that its mission – promoting the highest standards of safety in aviation – is fulfilled with full independence and transparency.”
Note to editors:
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is the centerpiece of the European Union’s strategy for aviation safety. Our mission is to promote and achieve the highest common standards of safety and environmental protection in civil aviation. Based in Cologne, the Agency currently employs more than 650 experts and administrators from all over Europe.
For further information
Dominique Fouda, Safety Information & Communications Officer
Tel.: + 49 (221) 89990 2007 – Fax: + 49 (221) 89990 2507 – dominique.fouda@easa.europa.eu
Jeremie Teahan, Communications Officer
Tel.: + 49 (221) 89990 2077 – Fax: + 49 (221) 89990 2577 – jeremie.teahan@easa.europa.eu