VisitScotland partners with women’s health crusaders to provide free period products for its employees
EDINBURGH, Scotland, 2019-Sep-24 — /Travel PR News/ — VisitScotland has joined forces with women’s health crusaders to provide free period products for its employees.
The national tourism organisation is fighting period poverty alongside social enterprise, Hey Girls by making sure staff – across 37 sites – have access to plastic-free tampons and sanitary pads.
To celebrate the partnership, Hey Girls also announced its new Period Dignity campaign at VisitScotland’s Edinburgh headquarters today (23 September). At a launch event key donation partners, as well as all staff, were able to hear from the Hey Girls team, learn more about the products on offer and the Period Dignity cause.
Hey Girls Period Dignity campaign aim is to make free sanitary products in the work place the norm. This is part of a wider campaign to assist employers, leisure and facility providers to make conditions more equal for women at work and play.
A key driver of the Hey Girls mission is their Buy One Give One strategy – for every product bought, one is donated to help women and girls in need. The social enterprise has collected over 200 donation partners, including community organisations, home shelters, food banks, and charities. Since launching in January 2018, Hey Girls have managed to donate over 5.2 million plastic free period products to women in the UK.
Malcolm Roughead, VisitScotland Chief Executive said, “VisitScotland is very proud to partner with Hey Girls to promote period dignity and address period poverty.
“At VisitScotland, we are committed to both social and environmental sustainability. All Hey Girl products are made from sustainable material, and their ‘Buy One Give One’ agenda is a fantastic way to help those girls and women that need a helping hand.
“Hey Girls vision is in line with VisitScotland’s wellbeing ethos and we thoroughly enjoyed the launch day – where partners and colleagues came along and learned more about our collaboration and the new campaign.”
Celia Hodson, Founder & CEO of Hey Girls said, “Solving issues around period poverty start here. We need to shift taboos and alter negative mindsets to realise period dignity at work is as much of a necessity as loo roll or soap. We are so thrilled to be working with a community of likeminded companies who generally just want to make the place they work as fair as possible to every member of staff.”
For more information about Hey Girls visit www.heygirls.co.uk/
For further information on VisitScotland visit www.visitscotland.org
Notes to Editors
- Follow us on Twitter: @visitscotnews
- VisitScotland is Scotland’s national tourism organisation. Its core purpose is to maximise the economic benefit of tourism to Scotland.
- The organisation’s core objective is to contribute to the Tourism 2020 Strategy ambition of growing tourism revenues by £1 billion by 2020.
- This will be supported by five overarching strategies: Marketing, Events, Quality and Sustainability, Inclusive Tourism, International Engagement.
- The organisation employs 700 people and has offices and VisitScotland Information Centres across Scotland.
- Spending by tourists in Scotland generates around £12 billion of economic activity in the wider Scottish supply chain and contributes around £6 billion to Scottish GDP (in basic prices). This represents about 5% of total Scottish GDP
- For VisitScotland’s press releases go to http://media.visitscotland.org
- For tourism statistics and frequently asked questions go to http://www.visitscotland.org/media_centre.htm
- Where possible, a Gaelic speaker will be made available for broadcast interviews on request (Far an tèid iarraidh, agus far am bheil sin nar comas, bruidhinnidh neach le Gàidhlig aig agallamh)
- For holiday information on Scotland go to http://www.visitscotland.com
- For information about business tourism in Scotland go to http://www.conventionscotland.com
Scotland’s Themed Years
- Following an industry consultation, the Themed Years will now take place every second year to enable more time for planning and opportunities for collaboration.
- 2020 has been designated as a year in which Scotland’s Coasts and Waters will be showcased and celebrated with a programme of activity designed to support the nation’s tourism and events sectors.
- The year, led by VisitScotland will sustain and build upon the momentum of Scotland’s preceding Themed Years to spotlight, celebrate and promote opportunities to experience and enjoy Scotland’s unrivalled Coasts and Waters, encouraging responsible engagement and participation from the people of Scotland and our visitors.
- A year-long programme of events, activities and ideas will shine a spotlight on the impact our waters have had on Scotland, from the formation of beautiful natural features to the creation of our national drink – whisky.
- Join the conversation using #YCW2020
- 2022 will be the Year of Scotland’s Stories – a celebration of our rich literature, film, oral traditions and myths, and legends.
Email: Ashley.Baxter@carat.com
Tel: +44 131 561 7973
Source: VisitScotland