Shannon Airport comes on board to give a VIP treatment to 12 year old Aine as Share a Dream make her wish come true
Shannon, Ireland, 2019-Oct-23 — /Travel PR News/ — Share a Dream have been making dreams come true for hundreds of children all over Ireland fighting terrible life threatening illnesses and today was no different, when brave 12 year old Aine Ryan from Raheen, Limerick, got a dream come true to visit the Harry Potter Experience in London.
“Each time we are heartbroken reading the letters and trying to imagine what life must be like for the child and parents when given awful news,” said Shay Kinsella Founder of Share a Dream.
On Monday October 21st, Aine and Mum arrived with a Garda Escort to Shannon Airport where they received a VIP welcome fit for a Queen from the Airport management and staff. To help create a magic atmosphere, there to meet them was an airport staff member dressed in a Harry Potter costume, and two Shannon Castle Entertainers dressed in their medieval costumes who presented Aine with an annual family pass to Shannon Heritage’s Bunratty Castle and Folk Park attraction.
“Shay Kinsella, Ciara Brolly and all the team at Share a Dream do such amazing work bringing happiness to sick children and their families when they most need it. We were delighted to come on board to give Aine and her mum the VIP treatment at Shannon Airport and we hope that we added to their special trip,” said Andrew Murphy, Managing Director, Shannon Airport.
The VIP’s were escorted to the Shannon Duty Free where they were presented with a gift. From there they were escorted to the Presidential Suite for some pampering where they enjoyed specially designed Harry Potter cupcakes.
There was another treat in store for Aine when she was escorted aboard the Aer Lingus plane for a chat with the captain of the plane and a VIP tour of the cockpit, before taking her seat to London Heathrow.
On arrival at Heathrow Aine and her mum will be chauffeured to her fabulous hotel where she will be wined and dined for two nights. On Tuesday they will be chauffeured once again to the Harry Potter experience where she will be treated like a VIP.
“For amazing young children like Aine fighting terrible life threatening illnesses we will move heaven and earth to make their fondest dream come true and give them and their family a memory they will never forget, ” said Shay Kinsella.
We would like to thank everyone who have helped make this special dream a reality for Aine Shannon Airport, The Holiday Inn, An Garda Siochana, UBER and Shannon Heritage.
Aine’s story as written to Share A Dream by her mother Patricia Ryan, from Limerick ………. “On the 1st September 2017 Aine’s life changed forever, showing very little symptoms but a mother with a gut feeling something was just not adding up we went to our GP and Casualty in University Hospital Limerick, next thing a flashing ambulance to Beaumont Hospital Dublin, Aine very sadly had a Brain Tumour, OMG what a shock, freighting scary a cocktail of emotion was running through my head and keeping the worst news from Aine.
Aine had to have a very difficult and dangerous 7 hour operation to remove the tumour and Thank God Mr. Crimmins removed it and it was a major success….or so we thought Unfortunately the tumour was malignant and so Aine had to go St Luke’s hospital for 30 days of radiation treatment which was unbelievable and so difficult for any young child to go through.
Definitely the toughest part of the radiotherapy treatment was losing her beautiful long hair which was devastating for any young girl to cope with.
Finally after almost 3 months we got home and started to rebuild Aine’s life as she had lost so much in that terrible 3 months.
However, once again the battle continued when we were told the devastating news that it had not gone away and Aine and to return to hospital for chemotherapy in Crumlin hospital Nothing, could prepare us for this after the long hard journey we had just come through.
Finally some good news the chemo was working and the tumour was greatly reduced and light at the end of a very dark tunnel.
Aine did a few months in Rehab in the National Rehabilitation hospital and always with a smile for everyone she met. Prayers and buckets of positivity got us through this nightmare but I’m so proud as a mother of an amazing, wonderful, courageous and brave young girl and it’s a miracle to see how well she is doing and rebuilding her life.
Shay, I’ve always admired the wonderful work you are doing making dreams come true for hundreds of very sick children like Aine all over Ireland and little did I realise that one day I would be writing to you to ask for a special dream for Aine because God know she deserves a little bit of magic in her life. Aine just eats and sleeps Harry Potter and it would literally mean the world to her if she could go visit Harry Potter World in London and live her dream… Thank you Shay and all your amazing Dream Team for bringing so much happiness and shining light where there was so much darkness into the lives of so many families all over Ireland.”
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Source: Shannon Airport