Proceeds come from Jakarta RACE held in October 2012.
2013-03-27 — / — Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta, together with PT. AIA FINANCIAL as main partner and PT Roche Indonesia, PT Cargill Indonesia and Aqua Danone as partners of Jakarta RACE 2012, handed IDR 500 million to the Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (Indonesian Cancer Foundation) as the result of the annual charity event the Jakarta RACE (Run Against Cancer Everyone) held in October 2012.
“We are delighted to be involved in an effort to fight cancer in Indonesia and we are committed to arranging the Jakarta RACE event annually. Our donation to the ICF comes from Jakarta RACE’s participants, and we thank them for their support,” said Vikram Reddy, general manager Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta.
“With more than 90 years of experience in Asia, AIA is fully committed to providing maximum protection in a comprehensive and holistic way, covering all stages of human life. We are proud to support the Jakarta RACE 2012, which aims to ensure the people of Indonesia have a better understanding regarding cancer prevention and patient care” said Carl Gustini, President Director of AIA Financial.
“We greatly appreciate the assistance of Four Seasons in raising money together with all partners and supporters including PT. AIA FINANCIAL, PT Roche Indonesia, PT Cargill Indonesia and Aqua Danone, and entrust ICF to realize cancer controlling activities to reduce the death rate in Indonesia. We encourage people to care about their families and save lives with early detection because your life is really precious,” said ICF Chairman Prof Prof. DR. dr. Nila Moeloek, Sp.M (K) in her speech at the event of proceeds giving ceremony held in January at ICF Center Jl. Sam Ratulangi Jakarta Pusat. ICF will use the donation in a series of educational activities, early detection and providing direct assistance to cancer patients.
About Jakarta RACE
The charity run began in 1981 when Isadore Sharp, founder ofFour Seasons Hotels and Resorts, made a corporate commitment to lead the charge against cancer. Since then, charity run events have been held or supported annually by Four Seasons hotels and resorts around the world to raise funds to advance cancer research. In Indonesia, funds raised from the Jakarta RACE (Run Against Cancer Everyone) are donated for cancer education, awareness programs and direct financial aid through the Indonesian Cancer Foundation. Jakarta RACE 2012 is a collaborative event in conjunction with Indonesian Cancer Foundation and in partnership with AIA Financial.
The official partners are Roche, Aqua Danone and Cargill. Sponsored by BlackBerry, Broadcast Design Indonesia, L’Occitane, Mustika Ratu, Yayasan Putri Indonesia, Siloam Hospitals, Speedy, PT. Global Cipta Kreasindo, Adhi Karya printing and Batik on Paper Indonesia.
The official media partners include The Jakarta Post, Berita Satu Media Holdings, The Jakarta Globe, Suara Pembaruan, Investor Daily, Clara, High End, Jakarta Java Kini, Maxx-M, Viva Asia, MRA Media Group, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Fitness for Men, Good Housekeeping, Now! Jakarta, Hello! Indonesia, OB Golf & Lifestyle, Tempo Media Group, Tempo English, Koran Tempo, 87.6 Hard Rock FM, 90.4 Cosmopolitan FM and 95.1 KIS FM.
Hotel Press Contact
Marlene Danusutedjo
Director of Public Relations
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said
Jakarta 12920, Indonesia
Email Marlene Danusutedjo
T. 62 (21) 252 3456