· Organisation predicts 3% rise in visitor numbers in 2013
· £1.5 billon in overseas PR generated around 2012 Games and Jubilee.
· Tourism generates a third of all new UK jobs
2012-11-30 — /travelprnews.com/ — Following recent statistics showing that one third of the new jobs created in Britain between 2009 and 2011 came from tourism(1), VisitBritain has today launched its 2012 annual review, outlining what it was able to achieve for tourism and the UK economy in 2012 and how it will build on this extraordinary year in 2013 and beyond.
Launched in front of the UK’s tourism trade, VisitBritain marked a spectacular year in which Britain was in the spotlight as never before and showed what a great welcome it offers to visitors from all around the world.
Inbound tourism is one of Britain’s business great success stories. It is the nation’s third biggest earner of foreign exchange – during the past year it has contributed £18.7 billion to Britain’s economy, a 5% rise in nominal terms and a record. In six of the past 12 months Britain has welcomed a record number of holiday visitors from overseas, meaning around 12 million international visitors have chosen Britain as a holiday destination.
A central focus of the year was to use the Games to generate worldwide coverage of Britain’s attractions, a strategy that has resulted in 14,000 positive print and broadcast stories about the UK in the world’s media in the first six months of this financial year, the equivalent of over £1.5 billion in advertising.
VisitBritain’s work as an organisation overseas has also contributed £503 million to the UK economy in 2011-12, while its match-funded marketing with partners has resulted in additional bookings worth £89 million.
At a time when Britain needs growth, international tourism remains buoyant – it has increased by 3% in volume and 8% in value since May 2010, with the number of people crossing international borders set to pass the one billion mark for the first time this year.
Tourism – both domestic and international – is the country’s fifth largest employer, supporting 2.6 million jobs and contributing £115 billion to the economy and in the past two years tourism has accounted for a third of all new employment in the UK.
Launching the review, Chairman of VisitBritain, Christopher Rodrigues said: “This country’s tourism offer is about much more than growth in visitor numbers. Tourism offers not just jobs but careers for life. It employs young people who are now in training to become Ambassadors for Britain, welcoming visitors to their hotels, attractions and shops – taking on the mantle of the Games Makers.
“Tourism is also a key contributor to a country’s image overseas – it influences not just whether people come for a week’s holiday but also what they think of us as a nation, whether they choose to invest in British business and whether they relocate their families to live here and their companies to operate here. Tourism is soft power in action.
“2012 has shown just what Britain can offer. It has re-energised our image overseas and triggered the desire to visit our country. Our job now is to turn aspiration into action. And the best way to do that is to continue the exceptional levels of collaboration between the industry, the public sector and the Government that we saw in 2012. We also need to keep the extraordinary spirit of the Games Makers alive in our visitor welcome”.
Visitor figures this year have offered a good foundation for growth, and VisitBritain expects that despite displacement concerns at the beginning of the year, inbound tourism in 2012 will show growth in the value of visits by up to 6%.
2013 visitor numbers are inevitably uncertain. The US and Europe remain our biggest source of visitors but face the fiscal cliff and continuing Eurozone uncertainty respectively. VisitBritain’s best estimate is that the volume of international tourism to Britain will grow by 3%, meaning almost one million extra visitors will come to the UK in 2013.(2) And their spend is forecast to reach £19bn for the first time, representing growth of 2.5%.
Notes to Editors
1. Analysis taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS) from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS): http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/dcp171776_287932.pdf
2. VisitBritain’s 2013 forecast:
m/£bn growth
Volume 31.7 3.0%
Value (nominal) 19.0 2.5%
3. Tourism is one of the largest employers of young people – 44 % of people employed in tourism are under 30 against a national average of 24%.
4. Games Time impact
– The ONS estimate there were 680,000 visits from overseas in July, August and September which were primarily due to, or involved attending an official ticketed event at the Games.
– In total these visitors spent around £920 million, an average spend of £1,350, double the average visitor spend.
– And visitors during this period felt they had been warmly welcomed and would recommend a holiday in Britain. 83% of departing overseas visitors during July-September reported they had felt either ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ welcome in Britain (a statistically significant increase on 79% reporting this in Q3 2011).
– 85% of visitors said they were now ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ likely to recommend a holiday in Britain to their friends and family – and if we assumed that this proportion of visitors do recommend visiting Britain for a holiday to just one friend or relative that would be 7.5 million personal recommendations for Britain.
5. A number of Olympic host cities have experienced the effect of displacement, whereby they have suffered a loss of visitors and spend because of the Games taking place.
6. To view the Annual Review go to: http://www.visitbritain.org
For more information contact:
- David Leslie.
- e: david.leslie@visitbritain.org
- Mark Di-Toro
- Press Officer, VisitBritain
- t:+44 (0)20 7578 1098
- m:+44 (0)7919 392137
- e: mark.di-toro@visitbritain.org
About VisitBritain
VisitBritain is Britain’s national tourism agency, responsible for marketing Britain overseas. We work with thousands of organisations in the UK and overseas to market Britain successfully to visitors from around the world. We also work to promote the tourism industry within the UK itself.
We work in partnership with the Government, the industry and our strategic partners in London, England, Scotland and Wales to promote Britain in 35 key overseas markets.
Our network of international offices is supported by our London-based marketing, commercial, research and policy teams, who in turn are backed up by experts in IT, financial management and other essential disciplines.
We also provide UK government with advice on tourism policy and raise awareness of the significance of tourism to the UK economy. We are particularly working towards showcasing Britain and maximising the tourism benefits in the run-up to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond.
Our grant in aid received from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport is approximately £32.6 million for 2010/11.
View our film to find out more about our work.
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