(IN SHORT) Niseko Village in Hokkaido, Japan, often referred to as the “Aspen of the East,” has introduced Niseko-yo, a new offering for the upcoming 2023-2024 winter season. Niseko-yo presents a blend of gastronomy, nightlife, and various exceptional experiences in the renowned powdery paradise of Hokkaido. New culinary highlights include renowned ramen from Gogyo, yakiniku… Read the full press release
Tag Archives: Niseko Village
Five Insider Tips for Winter Travel to Japan
New York, NY, 2022-Oct-28 — /Travel PR News/ — Japan is open and ready for international travelers. After being closed to visitors for nearly three years, the country is set to have a spectacular winter season as it welcomes visitors back to Niseko Village. For travelers looking to connect with local cuisine, culture and history while… Read the full press release