Double-digit growth rates for cruises – USA undisputed cruise champion – IPK International and ITB Berlin analyse international cruise tourism trends Berlin, Germany, 2018-Oct-02 — /Travel PR News/ — Cruises have been a booming segment in recent years and a much-discussed topic in the travel industry. In 2017, about 27 million international cruises were undertaken worldwide…. Read the full press release
Tag Archives: IPK International
ITB Berlin and IPK International: People’s enthusiasm for travel remains unbroken despite fear of terrorism
Fear of terrorism is a major factor in holiday planning – Large variation in safety perceptions of different destinations – ITB Berlin and IPK International analyse global shifts in travel behaviour – People’s enthusiasm for travel remains unbroken BERLIN, Germany, 2017-Sep-25 — /Travel PR News/ — Worldwide, people’s desire to travel remains unabated, despite terror attacks… Read the full press release
IPK International and ITB Berlin: Despite declining birth rates, family trips are on the rise
IPK International and ITB Berlin examine trends in family trips abroad – steady growth despite declining birth rates in many countries – Spain is the most popular destination for families BERLIN, 2016-Aug-25 — /Travel PR News/ — Despite declining birth rates, family trips are on the rise. In 2015, around 78 million Europeans went on… Read the full press release
ITB Berlin and IPK International analyse the travel flows of Chinese tourists
Rapid growth in short trips – Strong above-average rises in Asia and North America trips – Europe loses market share – ITB Berlin and IPK International analyse the travel flows of Chinese tourists BERLIN, 2015-8-6 — /Travel PR News/ — The Chinese love of travelling is tremendous. After two decades of rapid and mostly double-digit… Read the full press release
ITB Berlin and IPK International: Luxury travel is the strongest-growing market segment worldwide
BERLIN, 2015-6-10 — /Travel PR News/ — Luxury travel is booming: high-price trips are the strongest-growing market segment worldwide, according to ITB Berlin and IPK International – The most popular luxury travel destinations in Europe are Germany and Italy – Most luxury travellers come from the USA and China More and more holidaymakers are spending… Read the full press release