Austrian Airlines Group appointed Tatjana Lulevic-Heyny as its new Vice President Sales

Vienna, Austria, 2014-1-15 — / — Tatjana Lulevic-Heyny, 45, will be taking over the management of the Sales Division of the Austrian Airlines Group, as Vice President Sales, from 10 February 2014. A skilled graduate in business studies, Ms. Lulevic-Heyny will succeed Christina Hackl, who has left the company. Ms. Lulevic-Heyny read Business Studies at the… Read the full press release

Austrian Airlines reports traffic results for June 2013

January to June 2013: passenger load factor up to 75.7 percent June 2013: increase in capacity utilization to 79.3 percent 2013-07-09 — / — The number of passengers carried by the Austrian Airlines Group in the period January-June 2013 declined by 3.0 percent from the previous year to approximately 5.3 million. This is due to the… Read the full press release