2012-11-14 — /travelprnews.com/ — What do you get when Lonely Planet asks 32 of the world’s most acclaimed fiction writers to describe their most meaningful non-fictional journeys?
The answer is Better Than Fiction, a treasure trove of surprising and inspiring new tales written especially for Lonely Planet, published this month.
Better Than Fiction boasts an outstanding array of international authors:
Isabel Allende * Steven Amsterdam * Kurt Andersen * Carol Birch * Tom Carson * Bryce Courtenay * Sophie Cunningham * Mark Dapin * Charles Finch *Nikki Gemmell * Steven Hall * Peter Ho Davies * Keri Hulme * MJ Hyland * Pico Iyer * Suzanne Joinson * Lloyd Jones * Stephen Kelman * Marina Lewycka * Peter Matthiessen * Frances Mayes * Alexander McCall Smith * Stefan Merrill Block * Jan Morris * Joyce Carol Oates * Téa Obreht * Keija Parssinen * Chris Pavone * DBC Pierre * Aliya Whiteley * Joe Yogerst * Arnold Zable
This is the fifth Lonely Planet literary anthology edited by Don George, who says, “These 32 stories span the thematic spectrum from disorientation to revelation, disillusion to redemption, life-threatening risk to life-saving connection; in settings as varied as Antarctica, Alaska, and Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Sulawesi, and South Africa; written by a distinguished corps of contributors that have humbled us in their enthusiasm for this project.”
“Exhilaratingly varied in place, plot, and voice, these tales all share one common characteristic,” Don says. “They manifest a passion for the precious gifts that travel confers, from its unexpected but inevitably enriching lessons about other peoples and places to the truths – sometimes uncomfortable but always enlarging – it reveals about ourselves.”
Lonely Planet’s Better Than Fiction
Available in stores now
RRP: AU$24.99 / NZ$29.99
- Review copies are available
- Selected extracts are available for free reproduction with permission.
Adam Bennett
Lonely Planet
+613 8379 8324