2012-07-21 — /travelprnews.com/ — In June, 2 055 071 passengers travelled through Oslo Airport.
This is 37 277, or 1.8%, more than in June 2011. The number of passengers travelling abroad increased by 48 516 (4.4%), while domestic traffic was down by 11 239 (-1.2%) passengers. There was strong growth in the number of charter passengers in June (+13.9%). So far this year, the increase in passengers has totalled 5.6%.
The number of aircraft movements was 20 597 – 7.0% more than in 2011.
The security personnel strike in June led to a loss of approx. 100 000 passengers at Oslo Airport. Adjusted for the effect of the security personnel strike, passenger growth was about 7%. Among the ten most popular routes, Oslo-Copenhagen experienced the strongest growth with 5.3%. There was a decline in the number of passengers on a number of domestic routes due to the security personnel strike.