Indianapolis, IN, 2018-Jan-10 — /Travel PR News/ — Indiana boasts breathtaking state parks, world class museums, award-winning wineries and breweries, stunning architecture, beautiful landscapes and much more. There are travel opportunities to fit any lifestyle. Today (January 4, 2018), Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Tourism Development (IOTD) announced the official 2018 Indiana Travel Guide and Roadway Map are now available.
“Indiana Tourism hit record numbers for visitors and visitor spending in 2016, and we want to keep the momentum going,” said Lt. Governor Crouch. “People receive information in a variety of ways, and having online copies available to share nationwide about the great things Indiana has to offer will only help keep us moving forward.”
The cover of the official 2018 Travel Guide features Henry Moore’s Large Arch on Library Plaza in Columbus. The national spotlight has been on Columbus this past year after the film Columbus highlighted the architecture throughout the city. John Cho, the lead actor, said, “It is block after block of just fascinating buildings…It is a kind of wonderous place. It is a bit of an emerald city.” The Indiana Travel Guide is a comprehensive resource with information on attractions, entertainment, special events, recreation, restaurants, and lodging options throughout the state.
The 2018 Indiana Travel Guide can be viewed by clicking here.
“There are more undertold stories, like Columbus, waiting to be told,” said Mark Newman, IOTD’s executive director. “The travel guide and road map allow us to highlight Indiana’s assets and destinations, as well as, provide a tremendous trip-planning tool.”
The cover of the official 2018 Indiana Roadway Map, sponsored by the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, shows the cascading water in Williamsport Falls. With a height of 90 feet, it is the second highest waterfall in Indiana. It is located in Warren County. The map, which includes a mileage chart, Indiana State Police and emergency contact information, and multiple advertisements from some of Indiana’s most popular cultural and tourist destinations can be found at rest areas and welcome centers across the state.
You can download the 2018 Indiana Roadway Map by clicking here.
All publications are free and can be ordered online at or by calling (800) 677-9800.
Amy Howell
Director of Communications and Media Relations
Source: Indiana Office of Tourism Development