Discover Mdina: The Silent City of Malta

Mdina, 2024-May-13 — /Travel PR News/ — Mdina, often referred to as the “Silent City,” is a captivating fortified city located in the heart of Malta. With its blend of medieval and baroque architecture, Mdina offers visitors a glimpse into the island’s rich and varied history. This ancient city is not only a treasure trove of historical sites but also a popular destination for pop culture fans, having served as a filming location for the iconic series “Game of Thrones.”


A Journey Through History

Mdina’s history stretches back more than 4,000 years. Once the capital of Malta, this city has seen numerous rulers, from the Romans and the Knights of St. John to the Normans and Arabs. Each has left their mark on the city, creating a fascinating architectural and cultural mosaic.

  • Streets and Architecture: Wander through Mdina’s narrow, lamp-lit streets and you’ll feel as if you’ve stepped back in time. The mix of Norman and baroque architecture, alongside medieval buildings, gives the city a unique atmosphere.
  • Mdina Cathedral: At the heart of the city lies the impressive Mdina Cathedral, dedicated to St. Paul, reputed to have been shipwrecked on Malta. The cathedral, with its magnificent dome and intricate interiors, is a must-visit for anyone exploring Mdina.

Pop Culture Allure: ‘Game of Thrones’

For fans of “Game of Thrones,” Mdina is a real treat. The city’s ancient gates and shadowy alleys appeared in the first season of the series as parts of King’s Landing and other locations in the Seven Kingdoms.

  • Mdina Gate: Known in the series as the gate to King’s Landing, the Mdina Gate is a popular spot for photos among fans of the show.
  • Mesquita Square: This small, picturesque square was another filming location, where key scenes involving the Stark family were filmed.

Exploring the Silent City

Despite its small size, Mdina is packed with places to explore:

  • Palazzo Falson: This historic building is one of Mdina’s most fascinating museums, housing a collection of antiques and offering insight into noble life in medieval Malta.
  • The Bastion Walls: For the best views, walk along the ancient bastion walls. From here, you can see across the island, from the rolling hills to the Mediterranean Sea.

Getting There

  • By Car: Mdina is easily accessible by car from anywhere on the island, and visitors can park outside the city walls.
  • Public Transport: Regular buses run from Valletta and other major towns in Malta to Mdina, making public transport a convenient option.

Travel Tips

  • Walking Tour: Consider a guided walking tour to fully appreciate Mdina’s history and architecture.
  • Night Visit: Mdina takes on an ethereal quality at night when the streets are quieter, and the city is beautifully lit up.
  • Local Cuisine: Don’t miss trying Maltese specialties at local restaurants, where you can enjoy traditional dishes in historic settings.

Mdina, with its silent, narrow streets and rich history, offers a unique experience that blends the past with the present. Whether you’re exploring its historical sites, enjoying the panoramic views, or reliving scenes from “Game of Thrones,” Mdina is a destination that promises to enchant and inspire all who walk its ancient pathways.

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