2012-12-07 — /travelprnews.com/ — Essential Travel is warning customers to drive safe in this severe winter weather. The rush to reach the airport on time, combined with the freezing temperatures, ice, snow or fog we are starting to see, can result in a lethal combination that makes an accident on the way to the airport much more likely. The Department of Transport’s 2010 Report of Road Casualties in Great Britain cites loss of control as a factor in 34% of fatal accidents, and exceeding the speed limit as a factor in 14%.
STV reports the Grampian area as seeing 77 road accidents over the first weekend of December so far and no doubt the rest of the country will be affected as conditions head south.
With customer safety always on its mind, Essential Travel has created its Drive Safe Campaign where you can find top tips on:
- Staying safe winter driving tips
- Winter essentials for your car
Our Drive Safe campaign also gives you a roundup of Top 10 Winter Car Kits, Snow Chains and Snow Socks, as well as the chance to win 2 places on a Pro Drive Winter Driving Course or a Winter Car Kit.
You can View the Drive Safe campaign at:
Essential Travel’s spokesperson Stuart Bensusan says “It’s vital to be alert to conditions. Keep an eye on weather reports and invest in a winter car kit – every year we all see footage of people trapped in their cars due to bad weather and a simple winter car kit could save your life. Leave in plenty of time (even more than you think you’ll need). Plan to get there early and relax away from the madding crowd in an airport lounge, where you can enjoy complimentary refreshments, newspapers and wifi.”
Essential Travel’s Winter Safety Tips
Prepare Your Car
Get your car in good running order for the severe weather by checking lights, indicators, battery, wiper blades, brakes, anti-freeze and tyre tread. You’ll also need to ensure your air con is working to clear the mist. Visit the site to watch a video on how to carry out these checks on your own car:
Prepare Yourself
Keep up to date with weather reports, fully charge your phone and fill your fuel tank, and most, importantly, leave early to arrive for poor driving conditions. You can always relax in an airport lounge if you do arrive in plenty of time.
Prepare to Change Your Driving Habits
The changes in the weather challenge our driving skills and it is advisable to drive slower and more cautiously during heavy rain, fog or snow.
- Simple acts like braking, slowing down and speeding become hazardous
- Avoid harsh braking, rather slow down by decelerating
- Increase gaps between you and the vehicle in front
- Signal early to allow those behind you to respond safely
For more winter driving tips visit:
Essential Travel is one of the UK’s leading online travel extra providers, providing priority access to the most sought after car parks, hotels and lounges at all major airports across the UK. Essential Travel is now part of Thomas Cook UK & Ireland. For further information visit Essential Travel or call 0845 803 5434.
Press: Call Paula Gardner on 0207 0870 451, or email pgardner@thinkw3.com or, Nina Montgomery on 0207 0870 454.