Bhutan, Chiang Khan receive ‘Green Destinations’ certification awards

Chennai, India, 2024-May-27 — /Travel PR News/ — Bhutan and Chiang Khan in Thailand have received the prestigious Green Destinations ‘Silver’ certification awards. For Bhutan regarded as the first carbon-negative country in the world, the Green Destination Silver Award is yet another significant achievement in the field of sustainable tourism. Guided by strong leadership and… Read the full press release

Unlocking Nairobi: Beyond the Tourist Trail with Nairobi Booking to the World and Trip Advisor Guided Tours by Cruzeiro Safaris Kenya

(IN SHORT) Explore Nairobi’s vibrant culture and rich history with the expert guidance of Nairobi Booking to the World and Trip Advisor Guided Tours by Cruzeiro Safaris Kenya. From the bustling markets of Maasai Market to the serene beauty of Karura Forest, these tours unveil the hidden gems of the city. Delve into the Nairobi… Read the full press release