The Dow Jones Sustainability Index analyzes the economic, environmental and social performance of companies, focusing on long-term performance, and is the most important sustainability indicator worldwide. In the environmental category, LATAM Airlines Group obtained the highest performance worldwide in the industry in two of the four criteria evaluated. Santiago, 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — LATAM… Read the full press release
Daily Archives: September 30, 2014
L’Horizon Beach Hotel & Spa in St Brelade’s Bay, Jersey, opens their brand new spa and extended health club
JERSEY, 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — L’Horizon Beach Hotel & Spa in St Brelade’s Bay, Jersey, is delighted to announce the official opening of their brand new spa and extended health club. The inaugural event, which took place the evening of Wednesday 24th September, included a welcome speech by Martin Kelly, General Manager and… Read the full press release
Jersey’s Longueville Manor awarded 3 Rosettes and AA 5 Red Stars by the AA Guide
JERSEY, 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — Jersey’s Longueville Manor has been recognised as an outstanding example in the hotel sector by the AA Guide. The Relais & Châteaux property has been awarded 3 Rosettes and AA 5 Red Stars. This annual award once again confirms Longueville Manor as the highest rated hotel in the… Read the full press release
Wyndham: Baymont Inn & Suites® announces the opening of its 350th hotel, 71–room property in Odessa, Texas
Midscale brand more than triples in size PARSIPPANY, N.J., 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — As an indication of the brand’s rapid growth and increasing interest in new construction development, Baymont Inn & Suites®, part of Wyndham Hotel Group and parent company Wyndham Worldwide (NYSE: WYN), today announced the opening of its 350th hotel, a new-construction, 71–room property… Read the full press release
The Registry Collection® signs affiliation agreement with Saint Peter’s Bay in Barbados
Parsippany, N.J., 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — The Registry Collection®, the world’s largest luxury exchange program, recently signed an affiliation agreement with Saint Peter’s Bay in Barbados. Saint Peter’s Bay is a high-end property catering to luxury travelers looking for the utmost in accommodations and service with an authentic feel for the surrounding area. Members of… Read the full press release
Wyndham Hotel Group signs management agreement for the first upscale Wyndham Hotels and Resorts® property in Africa, the Wyndham Amboseli Golf Resort and Spa in Kenya
NAIROBI, Kenya, 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — Wyndham Hotel Group, the world’s largest hotel company with approximately 7,540 hotels and part of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE: WYN), today announced the signing of a management agreement for the first upscale Wyndham Hotels and Resorts® property in Africa, the Wyndham Amboseli Golf Resort and Spa, close to the… Read the full press release
Meliá Palas Atenea renueva sus salones de reuniones para adaptarse a las demandas del segmento MICE
Dispone de 17 salas de reuniones y banquetes, 12 de ellas con luz natural y con capacidad para acoger hasta 400 personas Sus instalaciones están equipadas con las últimas tecnologías y disponen de los más modernos adelantos audiovisuales Mallorca, España, 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — Meliá Palas Atenea el emblemático hotel del Paseo Marítimo de… Read the full press release
Bahrain Airport Company welcomed KLM Royal Dutch Airlines delegation to discuss matters of mutual benefit and future collaboration
Muharraq, Bahrain, 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — In line with its on-going efforts to deliver service excellence and meeting the demands of airlines and passengers alike, Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) welcomed a delegation from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines at the company’s headquarter in Muharraq. Representatives from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines were received by BAC’s Chief… Read the full press release
The Pacific Asia Travel Association signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Travel Association “World Without Borders”
BANGKOK, 2014-9-30 — /Travel PR News/ — The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Travel Association “World Without Borders” of the Russian Federation (World Without Borders). The agreement strengthens the links initiated by PATA’s visit to Moscow and St. Petersburg in March… Read the full press release
Lonely Planet and IATA partner to celebrate the 100th anniversary of commercial air travel by revealing Lonely Planet’s top 10 predictions for the future of world travel
Lonely Planet Reveals the Future of Travel Lonely Planet experts reveal their top 10 predictions for the future of travel Travel to become an increasingly integrated aspect of people’s everyday lives True escapes and remote hotels to increase in popularity as stressed travellers seek an escape from work Travellers’ to favour face-to-face recommendations instead of… Read the full press release