Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport Officially Turns ONE

2012-10-30 — / — Today marks the one-year anniversary of the opening of the community’s new front door.

“An anniversary provides the opportunity to pause and celebrate the achievements of all those involved in changing the public face of our community. From concept, to design, through construction and testing – it took a tremendous number of engaged stakeholders and support from our community,” said Barry Rempel, President & CEO of Winnipeg Airports Authority. “So much more than an airport terminal, the campus continues to grow, providing connectivity and development to enable our community’s aspirations. On behalf of the entire staff and board of directors, we thank community and stakeholders for supporting the vision of leading transportation, innovation and growth.”

One year ago today, the community’s new front door opened and instantly changed visitors’ first impressions of our city and province. Response has been extremely positive with highlights including passenger trials, being named as the World’s Most Iconic airport, receiving a Going Green Award, a City of Winnipeg Accessibility Award, wedding proposals, high fashion photography, Olympic homecomings, movie shoots and proudly welcoming Her Majesty and His Royal Highness as the first official visitors. Visit our BLOG to review visuals from the year – and for airport promotional specials in celebration of turning ONE!

A source of pride for our community, the airport brings people, languages, ideas, and values together.

Winnipeg Airports Authority is a non-share capital corporation responsible for the management and operation of Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport and affiliate businesses. WAA receives no operating funding from any level of Government.

Winnipeg Airports Authority serves our region by providing value to our customers and community. A source of pride for our community, we strive to be a leader in its growth and development.


Christine Payne
Director, Communications & Public Affairs
Winnipeg Airports Authority Inc.
Phone: 204.987.2021 24 Hour Media Line: 204.992.2791
 or Connect with us on Twitter @YWGairport

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