VisitScotland announces 13 projects to be supported by the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund (RTIF)

VisitScotland announces 13 projects to be supported by the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund (RTIF)

EDINBURGH, Scotland, 2021-Jan-12 — /Travel PR News/ — More than a dozen popular tourist sites across Scotland are to receive just over £3m in funding for projects to enhance the visitor experience.

Thirteen projects across the country have been recommended for approval – subject to conditions – to receive cash from round three of the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund (RTIF).

Managed by VisitScotland on behalf of the Scottish Government, the RTIF was created to improve the quality of the visitor experience in rural parts of Scotland that have faced pressure on their infrastructure due to this increase in visitor numbers.

It aims to reduce the impact of visitor numbers on local communities and facilities and create a more collaborative and sustainable approach to infrastructure provision and long-term maintenance of local facilities for the benefit of communities, when it is safe to welcome back visitors.

Round three was open for applications from local authorities and National Park authorities, in partnership with their communities, and is aimed at funding infrastructure improvements such as parking, campervan facilities – including disposal points – viewpoints and toilet provision.

Round three applications recommended for approval include:

  • £375,000 for the Trossachs Visitor Management Project, to include additional motorhome, car parking and cyclist provision at Trossachs Pier, Ben A’an and Stronachlachar; provision of new toilet facilities at Trossachs Pier and improved signage and orientation provision to manage visitors through the Trossachs.
  • £375,000 towards Fife Outdoor Tourism Infrastructure Programme – a partnership project between Fife Council and Fife Countryside Trust, to provide a network of parking, toilets, interpretative and renewable energy points for EV and EB charging serving the Fife coastal path, the Pilgrims Way and Fife 191 driving route.
  • £375,000 to address increasing visitor pressures in Glencoe and Glen Etive through provision of an overarching plan for an improved visitor infrastructure and management routes along the A82. The project will improve car parking provision, paths and address visitor management issues.
  • £201,925 towards St Cyrus National Nature Reserve (NNR) Parking and Toilet Improvements – a partnership project between Aberdeenshire Council and NatureScot to upgrade and expand the car parking at St Cyrus NNR to provide an additional 40 parking spaces for cars and motorhomes. The project includes refurbishment of the toilets to include a changing places standard toilet, and provision of additional cycling racks, EV charge points and a chemical disposal point.

A total of 66 expressions of interest were initially made when round three funding was announced in January. Of these, 36 applications were submitted – one was subsequently withdrawn – and 13 of these recommended for funding approval.

Over the three rounds of RTIF, projects across 12 local authorities and both national park authorities have received support – from the Scottish Borders to Shetland. Round three has also seen new success stories from local authorities including Aberdeenshire and Perth & Kinross.

Tourism Secretary Fergus Ewing said: “While the tourism industry is currently halted due to the national lockdown and the need to keep supressing coronavirus, it’s essential we continue supporting our tourism businesses, especially in rural and remote areas, so they are in the best position possible for welcoming visitors again when conditions allow.

“The Rural Tourism and Infrastructure Fund is key to supporting critical tourism projects in our more remote areas. 13 projects will get support in this latest round of funding, improving visitor facilities and enhancing the visitor experience.”

Malcolm Roughead, VisitScotland Chief Executive, said: “I am delighted to announce these 13 projects which have been recommended for approval for RTIF funding. It is so important that we support work that aims to improve visitor facilities and the visitor experience, particularly when the tourism, hospitality and events industries remain closed under the current restrictions.

“We all need to play our part in being responsible visitors and improvement works like these are crucial to ensuring our visitor destinations remain sustainable for years to come. This funding will help local communities improve their facilities, as well as enhancing the visitor experience both for now and in the future when conditions are right and it is safe to do so.

“Tourism is a force for good and if managed responsibly, sustains communities in every corner of Scotland, creates jobs, tackles depopulation and improves the wellbeing of everyone who experiences it. We believe this fund is helping to ensure that the tourism infrastructure for visitors meets current and future demand.”

Ben Ross, NatureScot Head of Nature Reserves, said of the project in Aberdeenshire: “St Cyrus is one of the richest and most diverse National Nature Reserves in Britain so it is no surprise that it is extremely popular with visitors.

“Like many of our beauty spots, last year saw an increase in the number of people coming to the reserve to enjoy the great outdoors.

“This funding will help to ensure the facilities at St Cyrus are better able to meet that increased demand in future, helping more people to connect with nature at this special place.”

The full list of funded projects can be found here:

Notes to Editors

  • Follow us on Twitter: @visitscotnews
  • VisitScotland is Scotland’s national tourism organisation. Its core purpose is to maximise the economic benefit of tourism to Scotland.
  • The organisation’s core objective is to contribute to the Tourism 2020 Strategy ambition of growing tourism revenues by £1 billion by 2020.
  • This will be supported by five overarching strategies: Marketing, Events, Quality and Sustainability, Inclusive Tourism, International Engagement.
  • The organisation employs 700 people and has offices and VisitScotland Information Centres across Scotland.
  • Spending by tourists in Scotland generates around £12 billion of economic activity in the wider Scottish supply chain and contributes around £6 billion to Scottish GDP (in basic prices). This represents about 5% of total Scottish GDP
  • For VisitScotland’s press releases go to
  • For tourism statistics and frequently asked questions go to
  • Where possible, a Gaelic speaker will be made available for broadcast interviews on request (Far an tèid iarraidh, agus far am bheil sin nar comas, bruidhinnidh neach le Gàidhlig aig agallamh)
  • For holiday information on Scotland go to
  • For information about business tourism in Scotland go to

Year of Coasts and Waters 2020

  • 2020 is designated as Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters.
  • The year, led by VisitScotland, aims to sustain and build upon the momentum of Scotland’s preceding Themed Years to spotlight and celebrate Scotland’s unrivalled Coasts and Waters, inspiring future visits, as well as encouraging responsible engagement.
  • The events programme that was designed to celebrate the year is currently subject to cancellation and postponement in line with current government advice in relation to Covid-19.
  • Following input and feedback from the tourism and events industry, there has been strong support and a commitment from Scottish Government to rollover the celebratory year into 2021. Work is currently ongoing to rescope and reshape the programme.
  • The Year of Coasts and Waters 2020 is a Scottish Government initiative being led by VisitScotland, and supported by a variety of partners including Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Historic Environment Scotland, Marine Scotland, National Trust for Scotland, National Lottery Heritage Fund, Sail Scotland, Scottish Canals, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Water and Scottish Tourism Alliance.
  • We continue to celebrate all our favourite Coasts and Waters locations and experiences. Join the conversation using #YCW2020


Tel: +44 131 561 7973

Source: VisitScotland


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