Roberto Castiglioni

Heathrow hosts first of a series of events to promote accessible air travel to persons with disabilitiesHeathrow hosts first of a series of events to promote accessible air travel to persons with disabilities

Heathrow hosts first of a series of events to promote accessible air travel to persons with disabilities

First Heathrow Open Day will welcome passengers with disabilities on a tour of Terminal 5 Prospective passengers will view Heathrow's… Read More

7 years ago
Heathrow announces £23 million investment to improve travel experience of passengers with disabilities and mobility restrictionsHeathrow announces £23 million investment to improve travel experience of passengers with disabilities and mobility restrictions

Heathrow announces £23 million investment to improve travel experience of passengers with disabilities and mobility restrictions

Airport and airline partners invest £23 million in new contract with partner OmniServ to improve passenger service for those living… Read More

7 years ago