The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) released core Principles and Parameters on IATA Resolution 787

Proposed GBTA-IATA Dialogue

Alexandria, VA and Washington DC, 2013-10-30 — / — The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA)—the voice of the global business travel industry— today released core Principles and Parameters relating to the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) proposed New Distribution Capability (“NDC”) and Resolution 787, and also proposed further dialogue with IATA.

“GBTA has closely followed the process for over a year to be sure that the interests of the business travel buyer – and their companies – have been represented,” says Michael W McCormick, Executive Director and COO of GBTA. “Although the issues are complex, the stakes are high and we must be sure our membership is well represented in this matter. Further meaningful dialogue with IATA at this stage in the process is an excellent opportunity to ensure IATA and its airline members understand the priorities and needs of the business travel buyer.”

GBTA has already been participating in dialogue with IATA during the past year about its Resolution 787 and NDC. Resolution 787 is a proposed process for development of a new Extensible Mark Up Language (XML)-based electronic data interchange standard for airline distribution communications and development of the NDC, a new distribution model for airfares and related products. GBTA urges IATA to accept the Principles and Parameters as the basis for constructive dialogue that will ultimately benefit all stakeholders.

Colleen Lerro, +1 703 236 1133,
Kellie Gleason, +1 212 446 1869,

About the Global Business Travel Association
The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) is the world’s premier business travel and meetings organization. Collectively, GBTA’s 6,000-plus members manage over $340 billion of global business travel and meetings expenditures annually. GBTA provides its network of 21,000 business and government travel and meetings managers, as well as travel service providers, with networking events, news, education & professional development, research, and advocacy. For more information, visit


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