Meliá Hotels International raises more than €750,000 amongst guests and employees for UNICEF – Spain

A three year agreement was signed at the end of 2010 to help increase awareness and raise funds for projects focused on preventing child exploitation

The hotel company has already exceeded the agreement’s €600,000 fundraising goal

Palma de Mallorca, 2012-12-21 — / — “Mission accomplished”. This is how Gabriel Escarrer, Vice Chairman and CEO of Meliá Hotels International, expressed his satisfaction at having achieved in record time the fundraising goal for the strategic alliance with UNICEF Spain which the hotel company defined at the end of 2010.

Meliá has raised more than €750,000 amongst guests and employees, beating the three-year goal of €600,000 in just a year and a half.

In his Christmas message to employees, the CEO praised the hard work carried out in business units and shared the details on this important achievement which has made the hotel company one of UNICEF Spain’s leading partners.

The results for the end of the year show successful involvement by hotels, with 90% of the company’s hotels raising 80% of the money through their “solidarity check-in”, a project in which guests are invited to donate  one euro to UNICEF on their first night in the hotel.

“The other 20%” – said Escarrer – “comes from donations made by employees, and other actions carried out in our hotels, including things like Christmas dinners, and other events in which the company has made donations”.

Escarrer also added that, “this extraordinary amount amply rewards our effort and hard work, and once again demonstrates the importance of the company commitment by the company to give thousands of guests and employees who trust us throughout the world the chance to be a part of a project like this with the support of UNICEF Spain”.

Of the 35 countries in which the company operates, we would like to highlight the incredible contribution made by the hotels located in Spain, Puerto Rico, Germany, France Italy and the UK. Furthermore, as a result of the constant work to increase awareness, Meliá Hotels International and UNICEF Spain together have activated reinforcement plans in the hotels in Asia, Africa and America.

There are still many challenges to achieve throughout 2013 and to achieve them the teams at Meliá Hotels International and UNICEF Spain are working to promote the alliance further and get the message of child protection shared by both entities across clearly to an even greater number of people.



Communications Department – Meliá Hotels International

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