Promoting Better Understanding of NDC

Geneva, 2013-04-24 — / — The International Air Transport Association (IATA) launched a New Distribution Capability (NDC) blog. The blog site will present program updates, commentary and thought leadership pieces regarding the NDC initiative.

Since the approval of Resolution 787 last October a vigorous public debate has evolved on how NDC—a new communications standard between airlines and travel agents—will impact the travel value chain. This includes considerable misinformation from some entrenched interests in current distribution standards.

“NDC has energized the travel value chain. The NDC blog provides an opportunity to connect with stakeholders and the distribution community to share ideas, facts and information about this project. As such, it will be a reference point to correct the numerous myths and misinformation that have been introduced into the debate. NDC is an important IATA-led and industry supported collaborative effort to modernize distribution. It’s important that it is debated on fact, not fiction,” said Eric Leopold, IATA Director Passenger.

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Notes for Editors:

  • IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 240 airlines comprising 84% of global air traffic.
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