Delta Sigma Theta Sorority marked its 100-year anniversary at Marriott International

2013-07-15 — / — Marriott International welcomed members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., (DST) to the nation’s capital as it marked the 100-year anniversary of the organization.  To help celebrate the milestone and thank a great customer, Marriott hosted the sorority’s national executive board for a luncheon event, where DST National President Cynthia M.A. Butler-McIntyre, (pictured center, seated) was honored for her leadership and being a champion of the partnership with Marriott.   Others pictured include from L to R: (back row, standing) Marriott associates and members of DST:  Carmesha Young – Senior Manager, Finance; Felicia Farrar McLemore – Director, Global Corporate Relations; Yvette Young – Vice President, Contract Management; and Monisha M. Riviere, Architecture & Construction Project Accountant. Pictured center:  (back row, standing):  DST National Chaplain, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie.  Pictured L to R:  (front row, seated) Terri Rivalte Prunty, CPA – DST National Treasurer;  Beverly Evans Smith, DST National Secretary; Gwendolyn Boyd, DST National Past President; Cynthia M.A. Butler-McIntyre; Bertha Maxwell Roddey, Ed. D., DST National Past President; Louise A. Rice, Ph. D., Immediate Past National President and Paulette Walker, National First Vice President.

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