Budapest Airport passengers welcomed by giant Hungarian salami advertisement

2013-07-03 — / — The promotion campaign of Pick salami was successfully concluded at Terminal 2 of Budapest Airport after the Vida wines of the Szekszárd region and the products of the Royal Tokaji winery. Hungarian salami – Pick and Herz – was the main focus of the campaign lasting for a month jointly organized by Budapest Airport, Heinemann Duty Free, and salami producer Pick Zrt of Szeged.

Passengers were welcomed already at the entrance to the security screening area by a giant Hungarian salami advertisement reaching right up to the ceiling in Terminal 2 of Budapest Airport. The month-long advertising campaign promoting Hungarian salami combined with a tasting effort did produce the expected results. Although no price discount was offered this time but only a heightened presence and the quite popular tastings were available to passengers, sales of Pick and Herz products enjoyed a fifty-percent uplift in the duty-free store during the promotion.

As the location for tasting, the middle of SkyCourt was selected by Budapest Airport on the departure level, right next to the passenger information totem. Personal communication must have greatly contributed to the success of the promotion, as 30 percent of the salami offered by smiling hostesses was tasted by Hungarian passengers who are safely presumed to have had been familiar with Pick and Herz products. Naturally, some specialties were also offered on the tasting trays including Mangalica salami and Mangalica ‘double’ sausages. All in all, thanks to the promotion, the value of salami sold in May this year exceeded that of last May by fifty percent, which means that this category of Hungaricums was preferred by significantly more customers generating higher turnover of volume as well.“The third sales promotion campaign organized this year to boost turnover of Hungarian products did meet our expectations and also proved that our calculations had been correct,” highlighted Alan Bork, director of Business Unit Consumer of Budapest Airport. He added, “Now we can safely say that the three-sided commercial cooperation of the airport operator, the duty-free store, and Hungarian producers is quite successful in the transit area. A clear proof of this is that even Hungarian passengers were happy to taste and purchase these domestic products at the airport. On the other hand, our smiling hostesses and the special location of tasting added still another color to the busy airport vibe. I am convinced that we should continue to organize similar campaigns going forward.”


Budapest Airport passengers welcomed by giant Hungarian salami advertisement

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