Partnership leads to 37 new signs promoting Nebraska sites
NORTH PLATTE, NEB., 2013-02-07 — / — Representatives from the Nebraska Tourism Commission, the Nebraska Department of Roads and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission unveiled new Interstate 80 road signs promoting Nebraska tourism attractions today at Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park.
Each bright blue sign features an eye-catching image and promotes an attraction or scenic byway. The 37 new signs will replace the existing green aluminum signs along Interstate 80, many of which are aging and worn.
State tourism officials have wanted to replace the signs for years, but couldn’t afford it, said Nebraska Tourism Director Kathy McKillip. The issue of signage came up repeatedly during the development of the Nebraska Tourism Commission’s strategic plan, which led McKillip to cultivate the alliance of agencies that teamed up for the project.
“The Interstate 80 road sign project is the perfect example of what state government agencies can do when they work together,” McKillip said. “It demonstrates how important and progressive inter-agency partnerships are for our state. This partnership is the road map that Nebraska Tourism is following to promote a unified Nebraska identity to travelers.”
Tourism also partnered with the Department of Roads for a federal Amber Alert grant that will replace new information monitors in the state’s rest areas, and is working on additional projects with Game and Parks, the University of Nebraska, the Nebraska State Historical Society, the Nebraska Department of Agriculture and other groups.
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Shannon Peterson at 800-228-4307, 402-471-3797 or